This is so very delayed, but I can't force myself to write sometimes...
Praise God, on Good Friday, on Easter Sunday, every day of this crazy/beautiful life because He is Risen! This Easter was once again a much needed reminder of the Truth that I accepted long ago, but so often fail to live. If He is truly the Resurrected King, I need to live like a princess of heaven! My girls, of course, love the idea that they are really princesses, but our King is not a haughty ruler, but a servant king! To live as His children, hoping towards our own resurrection, we must humbly serve Him and love others with His love. I want to love, but usually for my own gain, instead of for His glory. I need to live for Him and show my children through my life and love that this is not just a good way, not just the best way, but it is the only way to true happiness, joy, and heaven.
Praise God, on Good Friday, on Easter Sunday, every day of this crazy/beautiful life because He is Risen! This Easter was once again a much needed reminder of the Truth that I accepted long ago, but so often fail to live. If He is truly the Resurrected King, I need to live like a princess of heaven! My girls, of course, love the idea that they are really princesses, but our King is not a haughty ruler, but a servant king! To live as His children, hoping towards our own resurrection, we must humbly serve Him and love others with His love. I want to love, but usually for my own gain, instead of for His glory. I need to live for Him and show my children through my life and love that this is not just a good way, not just the best way, but it is the only way to true happiness, joy, and heaven.
Up from the grave He arose!
With a mighty triumph o'er His foes;
He arose a victor from the dark domain,
and He lives forever, with His saints to reign.
He arose, He arose, Hallelujah! Christ arose!
What Truth did were you reminded of this Easter season? If this all seems weird to you, please ask me about the hope I have! ;)