Wednesday, July 24, 2013

1 Week Later: An Update on Sweet Adelaide

This post is about five days late, and we are now just two days from Addy's third visit to The Well!  (If you haven't read about our first visit, read Healing Adelaide.)  For this visit, Jesse wasn't able to come with me, and I did have to bring all four kids!  This isn't how I usually like to do this kind of appointment, as you can imagine, it's kind of hard to concentrate and have an in-depth conversation while Jude is throwing almonds around the room.  But Megan was, of course, very gracious, and my kids were all pretty well behaved.

So what did we learn at Adelaide's check-up?  We got some very exciting news: Adelaide's stomach healed 80% in her first week on her new diet and supplement!  I was so thrilled to hear this, and even more sure that we are going about healing her in the best way possible!  Evidence of this healing is mostly...well...poopy.  Adelaide has become more regular, and her bowel movements are more firm.  I know that may seems like TMI, but when you are dealing with digestive health issues, the proof is in the poop!  Megan was glad to hear that she is now going a few times a day (on the potty, no less!).  I did lament the fact that Addy's appetite has not decreased, and Megan suggested another supplement that is a digestive enzyme that should help with more proper digestion of nutrients.

After a quick check, I brought out a giant bag of skin care products.  Adelaide's skin is looking a little better these days, but after a bath she is always extra red and itchy.  As I shared in Healing Adelaide, we ought to have stock in the skin care market for all of the soaps, lotions, and creams we have tried for Addy's eczema. I decided to have Megan work her diagnostic magic on all of these products, and what she found was very interesting.  (For the skeptics among us, don't worry, it wasn't actual magic.)  Adelaide reacted well to all of our natural, organic products.  Jason brand shampoo and conditioner, natural shea butter lotion, Indian hemp soap, and Soap Nuts laundry detergent were all fine!  (If anyone in your family has skin issues, I highly recommend Soap Nuts!)  The two products that Adelaide couldn't handle were two non-organic products that are often thought to be good for sensitive skin: Dove sensitive bar soap and Cerave, which is specifically for eczema and was suggested by Adelaide's dermatologist.  We haven't actually been using those products on her recently, but I wanted to see how her body would react.  While I can't say for sure that these products aren't good for anyone, I would suggest that the more pure and natural the ingredients, the better a skin product will be for your whole health.

If the skin products we use aren't causing Adelaide's eczema to flare up, then why is she so red and itchy after a bath?  Megan confirmed my suspicions that it most likely has to do with the quality of our water.  I am fairly certain that our water is highly chlorinated, and I know from our time in the pool over vacation that Addy's skin really doesn't like chlorine.  So now what?  Stop giving her baths?  She is as stinky as any other kid, so that's not an option.  What I really think we need is a reverse osmosis filter in our bathtub.  From what I've seen these can be a bit pricey (I consider anything that isn't free pricey, though, so I may not be the best judge) but not exorbitant.  While any "extra" money we have is going into Addy's visits at The Well, I know now that we need to prioritize a good filter to help Adelaide's skin be able to heal. If you have a bath filter that you like, please let me know about it in the comments section!

And as for her skin, I think it's about time I shared some pictures!  I truly wish I had had the presence of mind to take pictures of her skin months ago, when her face, arms, and legs were red, spotchy, itchy and covered in scabs.  Since we eliminated gluten from her diet things have started to improve, and since implementing The Well diet and supplements it is better still.  We have a long way to go to smooth, even skin, but here is what it looks like today.
Her ankles have long been the most irritated spot.  I think her shoes must rub them, but since we're home most of the time, she's usually shoe-less!

Addy's knees used to be so much worse than this.

Her arms and wrists have improved a lot too, but her wrists still get itchy sometimes.

This is her "CHEEEESE!" face.  The skin on her face used to be red and splotchy, but it is perfectly clear now!

We continue to be optimistic and excited for Adelaide's treatment at The Well.  We are also thankful for God's provision to us, most specifically through my new business venture!  Mama's Mason Jars was established in order to provide nourishing foods to families, and to help us in our healing adventure!  Check out my Facebook page and Store Blog for more information!  Thanks so much for reading; I hope you find some inspiration from Adelaide's story!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the diet is helping! Stool quality is definitely a good indicator of what's going on in her digestive system. I'm glad she's feeling better! Do you know if she has a problem with gluten or oats? I can't eat either one, but my skin can actually tolerate topical oats, and Aveeno products are the only ones that help my poor skin. I hope you find the right products for her! And yes, the kind of water you have definitely can make or break your skin!

    If you ever want to talk, feel free to email me. I've been on my own health journey for awhile (and dealing with even more issues yet!), and if I can help in any way, I'd love to do so!
